
Showing posts from March, 2008

NetBeans 6.1: Working with Google´s Android SDK, Groovy and Grails

For a beta release NetBeans 6.1 is surprisingly stable and mature but not mature enough to start any new project from scratch as the project configuration files are not modified as intended yet. Everybody who has ever tried the SWT- based Eclipse IDE under Linux, knows how bad usability, system integration and quality assurance can be and will therefore appreciate the Swing widget toolkit based NetBeans as an alternative IDE to Eclipse . However Swing is also not the best GUI toolkit under Linux but definitely better than SWT! As you can see on the image bellow, you can also get Groovy (Java-based scripting language developed to fulfill RAD requirements) support in NetBeans 6.1 by downloading a correspondent plugin: Grails framework (the Groovy analogon to Ruby on Rails) and Google´s Android SDK support are available via plugin as well. There is also a NetBeans 6.0.x DEB package for Ubuntu available, if you add the following line to your "/etc/apt/sources.list&q

Best common purpose Java HTML parser

Real-life HTML and even XHTML is far away of being well-formed and valid but is quite dirty . Therefore you cannot use the "javax.xml.parsers" package to parse real-life HTML as you would get many exceptions. So I have looked for a good common purpose HTML parser which is still under active development and not being dumped to a source code repository and forgotten years ago. As a result of my investigation I have found the "NekoHTML" (org.cyberneko.*) HTML parser written in Java which is quite good suitable for extracting tag content out of HTML/XHTML documents -- e.g. the title of a HTML/XHTML document.

How to retrieve XML content as it is provided by RSS feeds with Java

With the following minimalistic sample method you can retrieve XML code by providing just the URL of the corresponding XML source. In this particular case the title of every news item of the NetBeans RSS feed is printed by the "println" method of the "PrintWriter" class: public static void getXmlContent(PrintWriter out) throws IOException {     try {         DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();         factory.setValidating(false);         factory.setNamespaceAware(true);         factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true);         factory.setIgnoringComments(true);         DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();         Document doc = builder.parse("");         NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("title");         for (int j = 0; j < nodes.getLength(); j++) {             Node

Performance (CPU time & disk throughput) overhead caused by encryption under Linux (Ubuntu)

Everybody who uses encrypted partitions under Linux have thought about performance overhead which is required to decrypt and encrypt data on-the-fly. To use disk encryption under Linux you have to install the cryptsetup package which reads the encryption key during boot time from an external media (USB stick etc.). Actually this performance overhead is not that big as many people think. For its transparent on-the-fly encryption Linux uses the dm_crypt kernel module . Phoronix have made disk encryption benchmarks which proof that security must not necessarily be a performance killer :

Capital chief editor about "unsocial" behavior of transnational corporation CEOs

In a brilliant social analysis, aside from ideological blindness , Klaus Schweinsberg , chief editor of Capital (German business news magazine) answers a controversial question: Why the behavior of top managers of transnational corporations seems to be "unsocial" to the general public? Schweinsberg's argumentation do not use any moral referenced reasons. In fact his argumentation is an analysis of the social environment of CEOs and other top managers . Some of the main reasons stated by Schweinsberg are: The current but also the future elite have lost its social adhesion resp. embeddedness. Therefore this elite do not and cannot know what is going around in the real social world/environment; the leadership elite loses its social empathy . But all this is just a result of the socialization (social environment and behavior) of future top managers: Those who want to become somebody in the upper management milieu, have to become a nobody in the gene

Нефтяные предприятия лучше чем нефть?

Несколько дней тому назад один псойдо-эксперт самоубедительна cказал: Курсу акций нефтяных предприятий растут сильнее чем курс нефти . Это была очень наивная но вероятная тезис и поэтому я не противоречил потому что тоже не знал точно и не хотел говорить о тому что точно не знаю хотя и предполагал противоположное. И моё предположение было правильно как можно увидеть по акциям Газпрома, Шель и другим. И вывод из этой глупости является: Если не разбираешься в делах, не открывай свою пасть!

Review/Report: Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04

Recently I have updated my notebook Ubuntu Gutsy Gibon 7.10 setup to Hardy Heron 8.04. Everything was updated without any problems and is working well: VMware KDE 3.5.9 (now with fast&usable translucency effects) KDE 4 Wireless networking (iwl4965) ...and every application I have used before My impression after two days of working with the new release: Simply great Ubuntu Release even if it is still in alpha state! Also if KDE 4.0.1 is working I am still using KDE 3.5.9 because some major functionality in KDE 4.0.1 is still not available -- e.g. suspend button, absolutely no taskbar customization options and many other missing features.

Что такое "Неоконы"?

Если кто то из вас смотрел актуальные американские дебаты, он уже может быть увидел и услышал одного неокона. К этому политическому движению относится тоже президентский кандидат Мэк Кейн. Это люди, которые думают, что они лучше знают, что для других людей лучше чем эти люди сами . Неокон это неологизм, каторий состоит из "нео" (лат. новое) и "кон", что кароткая форма для "консервативный". А так вы узнаети неоконов: Как узнать неокона?