
Showing posts from December, 2008

WinFS, the new file system for Windows "8"?

Windows 7 will continue to use the good old and especially slow NTFS but how about the next release of Windows? WinFS which was originally planed and drafted for Windows Vista but disappeared from Microsoft's product pipeline soon as it was not ready . But Microsoft kept its Data Platform Vision which was the main goal for WinFS: Your Data, Any Place, Any Time . However many WinFS achievements were merged to Microsoft SQL 2008.

Uninstall applications via PowerShell directives/cmdlets

Using PowerShell cmdlets you can remove software in Windows that were installed via MSI. $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {     $_.Name -match " AppName " } $app.Uninstall() ...will uninstall software that have "AppName" in its name.

Engineering Windows 7: An outlook on upcoming features and concepts

Investigating if there will be a new file system in the upcoming Windows operating system, I have found two interesting articles describing the main goals to be reached in Windows 7. But firstly: No, I have not found anything about a new file system in Windows 7. Apparently Microsoft will continue to use its archaic NTFS file system in the upcoming Windows release -- no WinFS at all... And secondly the articles: In this article a MS employee blogs about Microsoft's approaches to increase the performance of Windows 7 and make it even faster than Windows Vista. Also there is an article where the philosophy of Windows' component configuration/setup is explained .

Notebook/Laptop: Which Windows Server 2008 version is the best?

Actually there are three major Windows Server 2008 versions which are considerable to be used as a desktop operating system on a notebook/laptop or PC: Web, Standard, Enterprise , and the Datacenter edition. If you intend to use one of these server operating systems on your workstation resp. desktop, you should choose the Enterprise edition as it offers all Enterprise features but still can be slimmed down to a Standard/Web edition feature set as you may not need many Enterprise Server features (and server features in general). But in the case you may wish to try them, you will still have the opportunity to add them to your current setup. Under no circumstances you should install the Datacenter edition as it is optimized for server virtualization. Therefore it has a corresponding kernel which is optimized for this kind of tasks. But this kernel will definitely not fit the needs of any notebook/laptop as they have no corresponding hardware (hardware virtualization enabled CPU) charac

How to deactivate the password prompt (login password) under Windows Vista/Server 2008

First press Win + R to get the run dialog where you have to enter " control userpasswords2 " to get the dialog which you can see below. In this dialog you have to uncheck " Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. " to achieve password-less login under Windows Vista (Home/Home Premium/ Business/Ultimate) as well as under Windows Server 2008 (Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter). After doing that the user selected in this dialog will be logged in automatically by the system as Windows starts . In this way you can speedup the Windows startup. Of course this feature decreases local security (only) but significantly increases the convenience as it is with all features of this kind. Update:  Works in Windows 7 Beta as well.