
Showing posts from February, 2009

Eclipse sucks, so use NetBeans!

Eclipse is the most ugliest tool I have ever used: It has more bugs than Windows 95 pre-alpha Edition ever had. The shortcuts used in Eclipse are used nowhere else . So is the search method implemented inconsequently because there are a bunch of search UIs and almost all of them you will never use but you see them all the time.   If you google for " eclipse sucks " you will find about 1.2 million hits. It seems that many people have suffered from this IBM product. In fact it cost me approx. ten years of my life time working six months with Eclipse and many swear words. There are also many former Eclipse users that have switched over to NetBeans and have not regret this decision. And there are many articles in the blogosphere which were written by frustrated Eclipse users to work off the aggression they gathered using this IDE. And is there any good Eclipse alternative? Yes: NetBeans - for everybody who is fed up with Eclipse!   If you want to tell the world how

Call/Execute Python scripts with parameters/arguments/args

Extern python scripts, executables and other programs can be called/executed as described in this example: import subprocess  args = (                 ' --flag ',                 ' --flag1 ',                 ' --flag2 ',                 )['/opt/googleappengine/', args], shell = True)

SVN (Solution): Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to MKACTIVITY

This problem was solved after clearing the outdated cached authentication data and re-entering the current valid username and password.