
Showing posts from October, 2010

Zsh Shell rocks! Try this Bash alternative!

In contrast to the wide-spread Bash Shell which is licensed under the viral copyleft GPL, the Zsh Shell is licensed under a MIT/BSD-like license. Also the Z Shell has more advanced features than the Bash and a better overall usability. For a quick an convenient start, put these settings: ## Go completion # gc prefixes=(5 6 8) for p in $prefixes; do compctl -g "*.${p}" ${p}l compctl -g "*.go" ${p}g done # standard go tools compctl -g "*.go" gofmt # gccgo compctl -g "*.go" gccgo ## ## dev variables export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=1000 SAVEHIST=1000 setopt appendhistory autocd beep extendedglob nomatch notify bindkey -e # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install # The following lines were added by compinstall zstyle :compinstall filename '/Users/alex/.zshrc' autoload -Uz compinit compinit # End of l

How to enable mouse in Vim on Mac

If you want to activate the mouse in Vi on Mac machines, do this: Put set mouse=a into your ~/.vimrc Install SIMBL Install MouseTerm Works! On Linux the mouse will work without doing 2-3.

Specifics of the 6l Go Linker

The compiler *.6 (or *.5/*.8, depend on the target architecture) package  must be called main  and it must contain the main  (not the upper case version "Main") function !

gopack grc - what's the r and the c option for?

Thx to Peter who answered this question: > r     Replace files in the archive file, or add them if missing.   > c     Create. Normally 9ar will create a new archive when afile does   > not exist, and give a warning. Option c discards any old contents and   > suppresses the warning.  

NodeJS a further interesting technology

NodeJS is build on top of Google's V8 JavaScript high-performance engine. It solves the problem of concurrency by handling web requests asynchronously.

Next possible steps involving Golang

GAE support derived from Python's support NaCl support is already implemented in Go but "Hello World" examples might follow soon Actually NaCl might be one of the main reasons why Go was developed: To offer an alternative to C/C++ for NaCl-based apps Android support within the NDK that might get momentum and grater significance and supersede the Java SDK in the long-term also the significance of Go's ARM port may increase dramatically in the near future

How to record mental moods and sentiments?

Listen regularly to an inspiring song you've never (or at lest rarely) heard before while practicing sport! A few weeks later play the same music track during office work or during any other activity that may have nothing in common with sport . Feel the (same) great sentiment you've experienced exercising! Anyway you should undergo a kind of emotional well-being.

NodeJS' TCP Echo Server

If you want to run the demo of the NodeJS TCP Echo Server, you should simply connect to your localhost on port 8124 using the telnet client. telnet localhost 8124