
Showing posts from September, 2012

Increase tablespace size in Oracle

>> 2012-09-27 03:48:18 INFO - ProjectTemplateRPCImpl : updateProjectTemplateXML(): errorCode:errorText ::-1691:ORA-01691: LOB-Segment XS.SYS_LOB0000075533C00015$$ ...something like this (tablespace is full) might be solved by entering this as a DBA user using sqlplus . alter database datafile 'C:\app\dev\oradata\dev\MY_FILE_BSDT1.DBF' resize 1000M; or alter database datafile 'XXX.dbf' autoextend on next 50M maxsize 2048M;

Drop a list of MySQL tables using schema meta-data

You can select tables you would like to drop from MySQL's meta schema . In this case I want to drop all tables of the user/schema user . select concat('drop table ', table_name, ';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'user'; Provides following output: 'drop table booking;' 'drop table bookings;' 'drop table languages;' 'drop table report;' 'drop table reports;' 'drop table resource;' 'drop table resource_languages;' 'drop table resources;' 'drop table resources_languages;' 'drop table session;' 'drop table sessions;' 'drop table slot;' 'drop table slots;' 'drop table user;'

Connect to an Oracle DB as SYSDBA using IntelliJ

Use " sys as sysdba " as user name or supply the internal_logon with the value sysdba  in the advanced properties tab. So internal_login is the property name that should be used to mark the current user as a sysdba.

Activate JavaScript in Internet Explorer 10 on Windows Server 2012
