Google Desktop Search for Linux

For Windows Google's Desktop Search is available since quite a long time period and you can also obtain it within the Google (software) Pack as well as other useful and frequently used software. However within the Linux community Google's Desktop Search is not really popular what have also its reasons in the ideological attitude of the Linux community. Nevertheless the Google Desktop is one of the greatest software products I have recently used. It offers you a kind of private Google search engine exclusively for your desktop computer. After a one-time index creation procedure you can find everything on your computer within seconds. Thereby not only the filenames are indicated but also their content. So if you do not remember the filename of a particular document you can simply search for its contents. Another useful feature is that you can include your Google Mail account into the Google Desktop search index. In this manner the search experience remains the same independent from the content you are looking for and the location where you are looking for this content. That way you have always the same Google feeling independent from the search context and the borders between local and remote searches become blurred.


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