How to fix: LC_MESSAGES/django.po: format specification for argument doesn't exist in 'msgstr'

I have got this
LC_MESSAGES/django.po:48: a format specification for argument 'myVariable' doesn't exist in 'msgstr'
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error

error message executing with the compilemessages argument. These lines
#: templates/
#, python-format
msgid "Doppelstandard %(myVariable)s"
msgstr "Double standard ..."

in my django.po file and these lines in templates/main.html
{% blocktrans myVariable as myVariable %}Doppelstandard {{ myVariable }}{% endblocktrans %}

caused this error message. After modifying the above statement to
#: templates/main.html:17 templates/
#, python-format
msgid "Doppelstandard %(myVariable)s"
msgstr "Double standard %(myVariable)s ..."

everything worked well. So I have simply extended the "msgstr" by the encapsulated variable name from the "msgid".


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