Go: Get Query Parameters From the URL / URI

The low-API approach isn't to use the web package but the http package to accomplish this.

// ..
import http
// ..
func cmd(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    c := appengine.NewContext(r)
    c.Logf("r.URL.Path: " + r.URL.Path)
    c.Logf("r.FormValue(\"foo\"): " + r.FormValue("foo"))
    c.Logf("r.URL.RawQuery: " + r.URL.RawQuery)
// ..

...and the output is:
2011/05/14 12:26:11 r.URL.Path: /cmd
2011/05/14 12:26:11 r.FormValue("foo"): My_Param_Value
2011/05/14 12:26:11 query_parameters
2011/05/14 12:26:11 r.URL.RawQuery: foo=My_Param_Value&bar=query_parameters


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